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I'm sick of it

First of all, I’d like to start by saying that not everything pisses me off but there are quite few things that kill me every time I face them. People everywhere would call this a “mania” which is a state of abnormally elevated of irritable mood, according to Wikipedia.

For example, one of the things I hate the most is when people don’t know how to use elevators. They’re in the third floor and go up till the sixth floor but wanting to go to the first floor only because they made a mistake pushing the wrong button. Mistake? Come on, there are only two buttons! If you go down, you press down and wait till the button’s light goes off.

I bet you’ve heard about the next one: the toothpaste. I hate having my toothpaste pressed in the middle instead of the bottom. I have to confess that since I’m married I had to shut my mouth in order to preserve a peaceful “environment” but, even though I use it quietly, something inside of me says “don’t take this any longer”.

The next thing is waiting in line or receiving occupied signal tone when phoning to your telephone company. Instead of solving you problem quickly, you have to wait long time to be heard. The worst thing of it is that you’re being charged for using you phone while calling over and over again looking for your problem to be solved! What a crap!

Another thing is, when walking on the streets, I hate having people walking slower than me right in the middle of the sidewalk. I thing that in this case, the same rule used in motorways and roads should be applied: if you move slowly, use the right side (that’s how we do it in South America). Sometimes I have told off people and complained because of their slowness.

There are many manias I don’t really know why or where I have got them from. The only thing I know is I cannot stand myself anymore. I’m getting sick of it. To finish, Wikipedia says that manias are related to bipolar disorders and, in the most severe cases, manic patients may need to be hospitalized to protect themselves and others. I hope that’s not my case because I hate hospitals as much as I hate doctors. They make me sick!


Miss B said...

Dear Jorge,
Those are called pet hates, or pet peeves in USA.You seem to have quite a few. But don't be so hard on yourself. Iam sure is just a phase you are going through.

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