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Three days ago we had this interesting conversation in class about death penalty. I remember some good points of view on who or when should be penalized with such penalty and, even though some look surprised, I said I totally agreed with it. Consequently, I gave my arguments of why did I think that way. The debate that started that morning was one of the best ones I’ve ever been to but sadly time wasn’t in our side and we had to finish it right away.

Later, when dinning, I kept the same conversation with Kath, my wife. She is absolutely against death penalty and we both had our own mini-debate in which the arguments were becoming very realistic (as we both were politicians trying to find solutions). Suddenly, Kath said something I never expected to hear… “Do you believe in God?”

Knowing what she wanted to do I said: “what does that suppose to mean?” and she said again: “Do YOU believe in God?” I answered “yes, why?” and she said “well, if you believe in God, one of his commandments says “thou shall not kill. Therefore capital death is not an option for a believer”. Not showing any emotions but recognizing that somehow I had to change my thoughts, we remained in silence and finished our dinner.


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