1. The learned intolerance of facing mistakes. It is well known that making mistakes is not a good feeling but it is a necessary part of the learning process. We, Chileans, avoid as much as possible speaking in public because we don’t want to make mistakes. Why, if is the only way to learn!?
2. The fact that studying arts is an illness. According to our new conception of human value, the more you produce the more valuable you become. Being a dancer, or a painter, or even a teacher, doesn’t produce as much as some expect. And those are the on

These two things considered, plus a thousand more we can discuss are he ideas mentioned in the talk that I wanted to highlight today. They are also the stone in our shoe when it comes to our educational system.
The final question I would ask is how can we, language teachers, motivate our student in order to develop their talents and not only their language skills?